Mushroom Identification Tour to Gatineau Area

This is a guided tour for those who want to know more about mushrooms in Ottawa Valley. The middle of July is a time when the first summer edible mushrooms appear in forests. We hope to see several species of chanterelles and we'll try to learn how to identify edible and poisonous species of mushrooms.

$15.00 – $30.00

Guided Tour for Mushroom Identification

During our guided hike for mushroom identification, we'll learn about various kinds of mushrooms and fungi that can be found in forests not far from Ottawa. We'll learn about the main rules for mushroom picking up and about some identification tips.

$15.00 – $30.00

Honey Mushroom time (mushroom identification)

This is a guided hike to learn more about fall mushrooms. We'll find out how to differentiate edible honey mushrooms from several other similar species, some of which can be poisonous. We'll also know about mushrooms associated with mycorrhiza of honey mushrooms such as Aborted Entoloma or shrimps of the woods.

$15.00 – $30.00

Fall Mushroom Identification Tour (in English)

This is a guided tour for those who are interested to know more about fall mushrooms and nature in Ottawa Valley. We plan to go to the Mayo area, Quebec. We'll visit the area, which is known as good for mushroom harvest, including many various species. At this time, we expect to find a diversity of Oyster Mushrooms, some boletes, perhaps, some honey mushrooms, some milk caps, and russula species. 

$15.00 – $30.00

Morning Fogs and Sunset at ZEC Dumoine

Camping in the Dumoine River area , Canada

We invite you to explore nature in early fall at the Dumoine River, the last wild river in Ottawa Valley. September is the time when it is still warm and sunny during the day; however, it is already cold at night, and in the morning a milky impenetrable fog covers all the surroundings.

$150.00 – $250.00

Eagle Nest and Late fall mushrooms (Calabogie area)

This is the last fall trip to see the scenic landscape in the area of Eagle's Nest and identify late fall mushrooms, sustaining in the cold weather with frosty nights in Calabogie area (to the west of Ottawa).

$15.00 – $30.00

Camping in Dumoine Area

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Ottawa Valley Chapter (CPAWS-OV) has organized an art camp in the area of ZEC Dumoine and Grand Chute in southwestern Quebec. The event will take place between August 2 and 8, but you can come for a day or several days to know more about CPAWS-OV activities and visit several amazing places.

$100.00 – $150.00

Guided mushroom identification tour to Gatineau area

This is a guided tour for mushroom enthusiasts on Sunday, August 13. We'll explore several places in the Gatineau area (crown land) that to see a diversity of mushrooms at this time of the year.  We learn how to identify mushrooms and know some basic rules related to their search and picking up. Please, confirm your participation. We'll meet at Parking 17 in Gatineau Park at 9:30 am (this is the exit to Wakefield from Highway 5). From there, we'll drive together to the places of our excursion.

$10.00 – $30.00

Guided Mushroom Identification Tour to Madawaska Area

This is a guided mushroom identification tour to Madawaska Highlands. We will stop in several places to explore the area and search for mushrooms. We'll learn how to identify mushrooms, places where we can pick up mushrooms, and just enjoy the trip to the forest in a beautiful area. We'll talk also about the diversity of mushrooms in Ottawa Valley and about other forest creatures we'll be able to spot.

$10.00 – $30.00

Exploring ZEC Dumoine and area around

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Ottawa Valley Chapter (CPAWS-OV) will organize an event in the area of ZEC Dumoine and Grand Chute in southwestern Quebec. This wilderness area, which is managed by local communities, is attractive in any season of the year due to the beauty of natural landscapes and the richness of pristine biodiversity typical for Canadian boreal forests.

$50.00 – $100.00