Guided Mushroom Identification Tour to Madawaska Area

On Saturday, August 19,  we are going to explore several places in Madawaska Highlands with our traditional mushroom identification tour.  We learn how to identify mushrooms and know some basic rules related to their search and picking up. Please, confirm your participation. We’ll meet at Hazeldean Mall at 9:00 am near the big board with the address “300 Eagleson Rd.” From the mall, we’ll drive together to the place of our excursion.

The area of Madawaska Highlands in Central Ontario can be characterized by rolling hills and forests with streams, lakes, and small waterfalls, typical for Canadian Shield. This area was explored by Samuel de Champlain, the first European explorer. He visited the area in 1615 with the assistance of local indigenous communities – Huron Indigenous People.

Place and Subject of the Excursion:

We will stop in several places to explore the area and search for mushrooms. We’ll learn how to identify mushrooms, places where we can pick up mushrooms, and just enjoy the trip to the forest in a beautiful area. We’ll talk also about the diversity of mushrooms in Ottawa Valley and about other forest creatures we’ll be able to spot.

We recommend carpooling from Ottawa because the area is at a distance of more than 100 km. I will be able to take 3 passengers to my car.


Watch for the weather forecast and be prepared accordingly. For the trip, you will need a pair of good shoes for hiking along the trails. Do not forget sunscreen and insect repellent. You also need to take water and a light snack.

Night creatures in Gatineau Park

Our last evening trips to see salamanders at night in Gatineau Park were successful. Therefore, we plan to have one more hike at the end of this week. This is a guided hike to explore Gatineau Park in the evening time for those who are interested to know more about dwellers of the forests and wetlands, tiny creatures, that just woke up after winter hibernation, and nocturnal bird species. We’ll meet at 7:30 pm on May 05 (Friday evening) at Parking 8 in Gatineau Park, which is located not too far from the Gatineau Park Visitor Center.

During our last excursion, we counted many spotted salamanders, one northern dusky salamander, and five species decided to move into other ponds after the evening chorus singing. In spring, salamanders rush to forest streams, ponds, and lakes to mate and lay their eggs there. At the larval stage, most salamanders from temperate regions are aquatic. Their tadpoles have three pairs of external gills and a long laterally flattened tail. Tadpoles breathe through their gills. At the end of the aquatic stage, they transform into adult salamanders through the metamorphosis process, becoming similar to small lizards. After the breeding season, adult salamanders will return back to the forest, where they will be almost invisible, as they lead a twilight and nocturnal lifestyle. During the day they hide in secluded recesses under the forest floor, stones, and trunks of fallen trees. The diversity of salamanders is rich in the eastern part of North America. So, we hope to see at least several different salamander species at night.

But not only salamanders will be the goal of our excursion. We will also listen to the voices of spring, which can be heard on the distance in the leafless forest. First of all, we will determine whether tiny tree frogs have already woken up – spring peepers, whose melodic whistle resembles the singing of invisible little birds. Also, we will be able to see in the evening dawn how Wilson’s snipes and American woodcocks fly over the forest openings and over wetlands with the characteristic sound of a propeller. We will listen to see if the secretive American Bittern has already appeared near the reservoirs and hide in dry aquatic vegetation near the lakes. And also, we will be able to hear the night conversation of owls – the barred owls and eastern screech owls.

A year ago, during such an excursion, we also saw a bear mom with three cubs, who had just come out from their winter den and were looking for food under the oak trees. Having noticed our small group, the bears immediately tried to hide in the nearest ravine. We could spot three 3 species of salamanders that occur in Gatineau Park and heard the night call of the barred owls.

How to dress?

It is expected lots of rain in the next week. The rain will destroy the snow, but the forest will be damp.  Please, watch the weather forecast to be prepared for a trip. It can be also chilly in the evening time. So, it is better to have warm jackets and good shoes that are most comfortable for a trip on wet forest paths.

What else might be needed?

Do not forget the flashlight. It is great if you have your binoculars for bird observations, and your cameras, or telephones for photos. It would be also good to have light snacks and water.

Fall colors along Wolf Trail in Gatineau Park

This is a trip to the famous Wolf Trail of Gatineau Park that starts beside Blanchet Beach. We’ll meet at 9:00 am on Saturday, October 15, at P13 near Meech Lake. This trail is interesting in any season of the year, but especially in fall. We’ll explore the environment along the trail, stopping in the lookout places that to admire the view of the Ottawa River and late-fall forests. We also will observe the park’s flora and fauna, and identify late fall mushrooms. We’ll have a chance to see several species of mammals, preparing for the long winter months. We’ll talk about Gatineau Park’s history and think about its future in the proximity of a large Capital City.

How to dress?

Please, watch the weather forecast to be prepared for a trip. This is a moderate complexity trail, but it is going up, therefore it is better to have light clothes suitable to the season and good shoes that are most comfortable for moving along the forest trail.

What else might be needed?

It is better to have a light backpack to put inside your clothes if it will become warm after moving up along the trail. You need to take also water and light snacks.

Это поход по знаменитой “Волчьей тропе” в парке Гатино, которая начинается рядом с пляжем Бланш у озера Мич. Мы встретимся в 9:00 в субботу, 15 октября, на P13 возле озера Мич. Эта тропа интересна в любое время года, но особенно осенью. Мы будем исследовать окрестности вдоль тропы, останавливаясь на смотровых площадках, чтобы полюбоваться видом на реку Оттава и лес в поздне-осеннем убранстве. Мы надеемся увидеть многих представителей флоры и фауны, а также мы будем определять поздние осенние грибы, которые в обилии встречаются вдоль этой тропы именно в это время. Кроме того, у нас будет возможность увидеть несколько видов млекопитающих, готовящихся к долгой зимовке. Мы поговорим об истории парка Гатино и подумаем о его будущем в опасном соседстве с миллионной столицей.

Как одеваться?

Пожалуйста, следите за прогнозом погоды, чтобы подготовиться к путешествию. Это тропа средней сложности, но она идет вверх, поэтому лучше иметь легкую одежду по сезону и хорошую обувь, максимально удобную для передвижения по лесной тропе.

Что еще может понадобиться?

Лучше иметь легкий рюкзак, чтобы спрятать в него лишнюю одежду, если станет тепло при движении вверх. Также необходимо взять воду и какой-то перекус, чтобы подкрепиться в местах отдыха.


Frontenac Provincial Park Day Visit

Located in approximately 2-hours of driving from Ottawa, the Frontenac Provincial Park is one of the amazing places to visit to explore nature on the southern edge of the Canadian Shield. The Park is part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and the Frontenac Arch Biosphere Region, designated as Canada’s 12th biosphere region by the UNESCO “Man and the Biosphere” programme in November 2002. The Park is a great place for hiking at any time of the year. At the end of August, we’ll have a chance to see some interesting wildlife species, scenic landscapes and many blooming plants. This time we’ll have an opportunity to select one from two trails for hiking (depending on the ability and selection of the most appropriate trail by the participants). Let’s decide together, which of these trails will be more interesting for our visit: Arkon Lake Loop (11 km loop trail) or Bufflehead Trail (8 km loop). Both trails are moderate complexity. We’ll not walk too fast stopping that to explore the area, to take some pictures and survey the natural things. We need to register for the visit to the Park, therefore it is important to know how many people will join this guided tour at least a week before travel.

Please, also vote for the preferable hike:

  1. Arkon Lake Loop (4-5 hours): a mature deciduous forest with many beaver ponds and a ring bog complex;
  2. Bufflehead Trail (3-4 hours):  bisects the Arkon Lake Loop and starts at the Arab Lake parking lot. It also crosses beaver ponds and scenic ridges.

Место проведения и предмет экскурсии:

Провинциальный парк Фронтенак, расположен примерно в 2 часах езды от Оттавы. Он представляет собой одно из удивительных мест для знакомства с природой на южной окраине Канадского щита. Парк является частью биосферного заповедника ЮНЕСКО и биосферного региона Фронтенак-Арч, который в ноябре 2002 года был обозначен в качестве 12-го биосферного региона Канады программой ЮНЕСКО «Человек и биосфера». Парк является прекрасным местом для пеших прогулок в любое время года. В конце августа у нас будет возможность увидеть несколько интересных видов диких животных, живописные пейзажи и множество цветущих растений. На этот раз у нас будет возможность выбрать один из двух маршрутов для пеших прогулок (в зависимости от возможностей и выбора участниками наиболее подходящего маршрута). Давайте вместе решим, какая из этих троп будет более интересна для нашего посещения: тропа вокруг озера Аркон (протяженностью около 11 км) или тропа Баффлхед (протяженность около 8 км). Обе тропы оценены как маршруты средней сложности. Мы не будем идти слишком быстро, останавливаясь, чтобы исследовать местность, найти и посмотреть что-то интересное, а также, чтобы името возможность насладиться красотой дикой природы и сделать снимки сценических ландшафтов. Для посещения этого парка необходимо зарегистрироваться заранее, принимая во внимание большой наплыв туристов. Поэтому нам важно знать, сколько человек присоединится к этой экскурсии, по крайней мере, за неделю до поездки.

Проголосуйте также за предпочтительный поход:

  1. Тропа вокруг озера Аркон (4-5 часов): спелый лиственный лес с множеством бобровых прудов и комплексом кольцевых болот;
  2. Тропа Баффлхед (3-4 часа): пересекает петлю озера Аркон и начинается от парковки Арабского озера. Он также пересекает бобровые пруды и живописные гряды.

Форма одежды:

По погоде – удобная одежда и обувь: легкая рубашка с длинным рукавом для защиты от комаров или футболка, если комаров не боитесь. Обувь – легкая и надежная для ходьбы по тропинкам. Не забывайте спрей от насекомых. Эта поездка на целый день Палочка для ходьбы также не помешает. Маршрут должен быть интересным не только для взрослых, но и для подростков. Поездка почти на целый день, запас бутербродов не помешает.