Nature Guided Tour to Marlborough Forest

This is a trip for nature and mushroom lovers. During this time, we expect to find several species of “slippery jacks” or Suillus sp. mushrooms. In forests around Ottawa, there are more than 20 Suillus species. During our trip, we hope to find 5-7 species and learn how to identify different species of these edible mushrooms. We hope to find several other species from Boletes, most part of which are considered edible. Besides, we’ll learn about several other mushroom species, which we can find in this area this time. We also will talk about mushroom collections in different areas. We will meet near Hazeldean Mall at 9:00 am on Saturday, September 10, and drive together to the Marlborough forest area, where we’ll have the opportunity to explore the forest in several places. Mid of September is a time when many kinds of edible mushrooms appear in the forests of Ottawa valley. At the same time, we can find many mushrooms, which are not edible or even poisonous. We will learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from non-edible mushrooms, we will get acquainted with several fairly common poisonous mushrooms. We will find out which species are considered conditionally edible. And also we will learn to distinguish between different groups of fungi: bracket fungi, coral fungi, boletes, agaric mushrooms, morels, hedgehogs, chanterelles, and their relatives. Carpooling is welcome. If you are thinking about carpooling, please contact us in advance.

Это экскурсия для любителей грибов и походов в лес.  Мы исследуем одну из интересных природных территорий, которая расположена неподалеку от Оттавы, где территория открыта для охоты в сезон, а также для сбора грибов. Мы встретимся в 9:00 утра в субботу, 10 сентября, на парковке у мола Хазельдин в Канате.  А далее, мы поедем вместе в сторону леса Мальборо, где мы будем останавливаться в нескольких местах. Эта поездка будет тематической. Мы будем учиться искать и различать разные виды маслят. На территории вокруг Оттавы можно найти больше 20 видов маслят. На территории, куда мы поедем сейчас встречается 5-7 видов маслят. Мы поучимся их различать, а также узнаем об их вкусовых свойствах, способах сбора и приготовления. Кроме этого, мы познакомиться с несколькими довольно распространенными ядовитыми видами грибов. Мы узнаем, какие виды считаются условно-съедобными. А также мы будем учиться различать разные группы грибов: трутовики, коралловые грибы, трубчатые и пластинчатые грибы, сморчи и строчки, ежовики, лисички и их родственники. Карпулинг приветствуется. Если Вы думаете, поехать с кем-то на машине, то такая возможность представится, когда мы встретимся на парковке у мола Хазельдин.

Как одеваться?

В лесу сейчас влажно и прохладно, поэтому позаботьтесь об одежде и обуви, которые наиболее комфортны для перемещения по густому лесу. Лучше одеть яркие курточки или рубашки, чтобы Вас было хорошо видно в лесу. Эта территория открыта для охотников и хотя охотничий сезон у Оттавы открывается 17 сентября, лучше быть заметным уже сейчас.

Что еще может понадобиться?

Вам понадобится вода, легкий перекус, так как на свежем воздухе обычно появляется аппетит. Не забывайте небольшие корзиночки и ножички для сбора грибов. А также средства персональной защиты от насекомых и крем от солнца.


Guided Tour to Forêt-la-Blanche Ecological Reserve

Forêt-la-Blanche Ecological Reserve protects an exceptional forest ecosystem in Quebec. It owes stands of mature trees that were not disturbed by human activities. It is also an area with a rich diversity of amphibians, reptiles, birds, insects, plants, and mushrooms. The reserve was established in 2003. It contains 12 km of trails crossing forests and wetlands.

We’ll walk on the wooden trails with fascinating views of the wetlands. At this time of the year, amazing scarlet candles of the Cardinal Plant start to bloom, attracting ruby-throated hummingbirds, specialized to get nectar from their flowers. We can find also several spots with blooming carnivore plants: Northern Pitcher Plant and sundews (Drosera) species which form tight clusters of plants on logs and tiny land islands among the marshes and swamps. We explore what kind of fungi and mushrooms have already appeared in the forest. We also try to find tiny spring peepers and gray tree frogs, hidden under leaves on the forest floor.

We’ll meet at 9:00 am in the small parking lot near the Interpretation Center of the Ecological Reserve in Mayo. We’ll have an opportunity to explore several trails, walk in the forest on several trails, and stop to observe interesting species of plants, insects, amphibians, and birds. Do not forget your cameras!


It is expected that the weather on Sunday will be hot. Do not forget water, sunscreen, hats, and other ammunition to prevent overheating. We recommend you also take mosquito spray and a light snack. Light summer shoes good for hiking will be the most appropriate for this excursion.

High Lonesome Nature Reserve in July

High Lonesome Nature Reserve is managed by Mississippi-Madawaska Land Trust serving as stewards of private lands having ecological, aesthetic, and cultural value. The area is open to visitors; it is rich with natural biodiversity. Several trails with lengths up to 8 km give the opportunity to make short or long loops in the area. All trails have names and are well marked. These are a Bear Trail, Spooky Marsh Trail, Wolf Trail, Spring Peeper Trail, and others.

We’ll explore several trails, observing birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. We also will identify trees and grassy vegetation growing in the deciduous forest.

We’ll meet at 9:00 am in the parking near High Lonesome Nature Reserve on Carbine Rd. in the Pakenham area. We’ll have an opportunity to explore several trails, walk in the forest on several trails, and stop to observe interesting species of plants, insects, amphibians, and birds. Do not forget your cameras!


It is expected sunny and warm day on Saturday; however, there are many wetlands: ponds, and lakes in the area. We suggest you take mosquito spray,  water, and a light snack. Light summer shoes good for hiking will be the most appropriate for this excursion.

Travel to Dewberry Trail and around

It is expected to rain this Sunday. It is not clear when it will start, but if the morning will be clear we would like to invite nature lovers to visit several places in Ottawa Greenbelt. And first of them is the Dewberry Trail in the eastern corner of Ottawa. Due to the May storm, the trail is still closed for the mass visiting, however, we have been there last weekend and explored the area. The trail is mostly clear, with few trees on the side trails closing the road. We select the safe route in the area to explore wildlife inhabiting the Ottawa Greenbelt.

Place and Subject of the Excursion:

We plan to visit the different types of forest: coniferous, mixed, and deciduous and learn about its dwellers: birds, amphibians, mammals, and insects.  We plan also to explore the diversity of fungi that appear on the trunks of the trees and on the ground.

We’ll meet at 8:30 am at the Parking near Dewberry Trail. We’ll walk along the trail with many stops to observe plants, fungi, birds, and other animals. We’ll watch for the weather, and if it will allow we’ll visit several other places around this area.


The forecast is for hot weather this weekend, so, we can expect many mosquitoes after several showers of rain this week. Be prepared to prevent mosquito bites. We suggest you take mosquito spray,  water, and a light snack.

Camping near Dumoine River

Join us for a journey to the Ottawa Valley’s last wild river – the Dumoine! A land of mature and old-growth forests, countless lakes, streams and wetlands – home to moose, bear, wolves, and over 160 species of birds. We are organizing a trip for naturalists, photographers and nature lovers to capture the beauty of this place on Canada Day.

The early summer is an amazing time in the taiga, full of cares and worries about the growing offspring of numerous forest inhabitants, the unique colors of flowering plants, the noise of running waves of a full-flowing river, piercing colorful sunsets and sunrises…

In summer, the taiga comes alive. It is filled with the voices of birds returned from distant wintering places and is colored with the variegation of flowering plants. We invite people open to the beauty or just nature lovers to share with us the unique moments of immersion in the wild nature of this amazing place. Birds returned to their breeding sites and occupied their personal “households”. In this time, they are most visible and heard. We’ll learn how to recognize birds by call and sight. At this time, amphibians are also very vocal; their chorus is more prominent at the dusk – early morning, and evening. We’ll learn how to identify various species of frogs and hope to see some of them during our trips to forests and along the river.

Our trip will take place on the Canada Day from July 1 to July 4. We will stop close to the cabin on the Lac Pinniseault and at a colorful place on the banks of the Dumoine River – close to Robinson Lake. Our team of three people organizes leisure activities and hikes for participants on the territory. We will observe the birds and animals that live in the area, as well as get up early to catch the unique morning light over the river and lake.

We invite a group of 10-15 people for this trip. We can provide transportation for people to the territory, and we also provide guidance on hikes to observe wildlife. We will stay close to John’s cabin, providing you with hot fragrant coffee, and tea at any time. We also will serve a small breakfast for everyone and dinner at the end of the day. We also have a special camouflage tent that can accommodate 4 people to watch birds and other inhabitants of the taiga. We have several equipped places for observation of nature in the Dumoine area, where photographers can stay to observe wildlife and take photos. We have several canoes for observation of nature from the water. We provide basic food, but we advise everyone to take additional food, whatever you like.

You need to bring a tent and camping essentials, flashlights, safety vests for canoe trips, your cameras, and protection against mosquitoes and other insects. Please, watch for the weather forecast and prepare your rain jackets and boots accordingly.

The cost of the trip – $ 150 per full day per person includes – registration, place in the camp, escort, breakfast, and dinner, as well as lessons in nature observation, identifying birds and mammals by voices and footprints.  In addition, we will provide you with transportation to our field camp from Swisha, ​​where you can leave your car, to the base camp, and back. We’ll charge half the price for the day of arrival and the day of departure.