Bird migration (birds of wetlands)

Bird Migratory Corridors Mud Lake, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

By the middle of September, the migration of long-distant migrants is almost over, but in this time many bird species that fly far to the north still continue their way from breeding grounds in tundras and northern taiga to southern regions. At this time we still have the opportunity to spot many interesting migratory bird species in the Ottawa area.

$15.00 – $25.00

Camping at Dumoine River in September

Camping in the Dumoine River area , Canada

September is an amazing time in the area of the Dumoine River. Bright fall colors decorate the environment and highlight the beauty of running waters, rapids, and waterfalls. This really wild and pristine area is attractive for travelers with adventurous minds. Immersed in the wilderness, we gather around the campfire at the end of the day to share stories and impressions.

$150.00 – $200.00

Mushroom identification guided tour (in Russian)

Larose Forest, P1

This hike is for people who want to know more about identification and foraging mushrooms. At the end of September, we'll organize the hike to the east of Ottawa in the place, where mushroom foraging is allowed. The exact place will be defined later, depending on the evaluation of mushroom availability in the place.

$30.00 – $65.00

Mushroom Identification Tour (in English)

Marlborough Forest - P-E3

This hike is for people who want to know more about identification and foraging mushrooms. We’ll organize the guided tour to the west of Ottawa in the place, where mushroom foraging is allowed. The exact place will be defined in few days, depending on the evaluation of mushroom availability there.

$30.00 – $65.00

Eagle Nest Lookout in Fall Colors and Mushroom Excursion

Eagle's Nest and Mushroom Guided Hike Ontario, Canada

Eagle's Nest Lookout is one of the most famous places around the Ottawa area with a beautiful view of lakes and forest.  First, we plan to visit the Eagles Nest lookout that to admire saturated fall colors and the beauty of this place. After that, we'll explore the Calabogie areas suitable for mushroom collection.  

$15.00 – $30.00

Exploring Fall Mushrooms in Ottawa Valley

Recent rains have awakened the dormant mycelium in many species of fungi. The diversity of mushrooms is so high, that it is easy to make mistakes in their identification. Our next guided hike is organized in the Ottawa area for those who just start to pick up mushrooms and for those who already have some experience of mushroom hunting.

$15.00 – $30.00

Bright fall colors in Gatineau Park: guided tour

The guided tour is organized for those who like to explore the area of Gatineau Park and for those who want to admire the autumn trees in fall colors.

$15.00 – $25.00

Late fall fungi in Calabogie Area: guided tour

This is one of the last fall guided tours to explore fungi and mushrooms in Ottawa Valley. We'll start our excursion with a visit to Eagle’s Nest Lookout.  After that, we’ll explore several places in Calabogie areas to find the late fall mushrooms.

$15.00 – $30.00

Snow Geese migration in Ottawa Valley

We renew our nature-guided tour schedule after a one-month vacation. The next trip is planned that to see snow geese and other waterfowls around Ottawa. The

$15.00 – $25.00

Amherst Island in early December

The Amherst Island, located near Kingston, is well known as one of the perfect places for birdwatching. We organize our next guided hike to the Island for those who are interested to know more about birds and other wild, creatures inhabiting this area.

$15.00 – $30.00

Forest dwellers in your neighborhood

This is a fun activity for families with kids. We'll learn how to identify birds and mammals. We'll explore animal footprints on snow and on trees around. We'll know how animals survive in the harsh winter conditions.

Mackenzie King Estate and Waterfall in Gatineau Park:

Gatineau Park: Mackenzie King Estate and Waterfall Hike

We invite families with kids for a spring hike in Gatineau Park. We'll meet near the Visitor Center of the Gatineau Park and then move to P6 (Parking 6) near Mackenzie King Estate. Kids will have a chance to explore the ruins and to know about the history of this place. And then, we'll visit a waterfall at a distance of around 500-700 m from parking, stopping that to listen to birds and watch animal tracks. This guided hike will be in English and Russian.
