Guided Tour for Mushroom Identification

During our guided hike for mushroom identification, we'll learn about various kinds of mushrooms and fungi that can be found in forests not far from Ottawa. We'll learn about the main rules for mushroom picking up and about some identification tips.

$15.00 – $30.00

Wilderness First Aid Course offered on August 27 and 28!

CPAWS-OV is proud to offer our staff and volunteer team frequent professional development opportunities. Since many of our team members spend time outdoors and in the field, we are offering a wilderness first aid course for volunteers, program participants, and staff on Saturday, August 27 and Sunday, August 28 at our Executive Director’s farm in Mayo, Quebec. We have a few spots left! Please consider joining us!

Travel to Quebec-City and Tadoussac in September

We are inviting a few people to join us for a trip to Quebec City and Tadoussac in early September this year. The trip is scheduled from  September 2 to September 5 with a 1-night stay in Quebec City and 2-nights in the Tadoussac area. This is a tour to explore nature and to know more about the history and nature of Quebec.


Nature Guided Tour to Marlborough Forest

Marlborough Forest - P-E3

This is a trip for nature and mushroom lovers. We will visit the Marlborough Forest, located not far from Ottawa. This place is known as homeland for several species from Suillus genus. We'll learn how to identify the different species of Suillus and other Boletes. During our guided hike, we'll learn also about other various kinds of mushrooms and fungi.

$15.00 – $30.00

Nature Guided Tour to Explore Mushrooms

This is a trip for mushroom lovers. We will visit several places at the crown land in Quebec to explore suitable areas for mushroom harvesting. During our guided hike, we'll learn about various kinds of mushrooms and fungi.

$15.00 – $30.00

Honey Mushroom time (mushroom identification)

This is a guided hike to learn more about fall mushrooms. We'll find out how to differentiate edible honey mushrooms from several other similar species, some of which can be poisonous. We'll also know about mushrooms associated with mycorrhiza of honey mushrooms such as Aborted Entoloma or shrimps of the woods.

$15.00 – $30.00

Fall Mushroom Identification Tour (in English)

This is a guided tour for those who are interested to know more about fall mushrooms and nature in Ottawa Valley. We plan to go to the Mayo area, Quebec. We'll visit the area, which is known as good for mushroom harvest, including many various species. At this time, we expect to find a diversity of Oyster Mushrooms, some boletes, perhaps, some honey mushrooms, some milk caps, and russula species. 

$15.00 – $30.00

Fall Colors in Algonquin Provincial Park

This trip will take place at the peak of autumn colors, which at this time form the unique landscape of the park and attract many visitors who want to see this beauty. We have booked a place for 6 people in the Pog Lake and Kearney Lake Campground from Friday (it's September 30th) until Sunday (it's October 2nd).


Morning Fogs and Sunset at ZEC Dumoine

Camping in the Dumoine River area , Canada

We invite you to explore nature in early fall at the Dumoine River, the last wild river in Ottawa Valley. September is the time when it is still warm and sunny during the day; however, it is already cold at night, and in the morning a milky impenetrable fog covers all the surroundings.

$150.00 – $250.00

Fall colors along Wolf Trail in Gatineau Park

This is a trip to the famous Wolf Trail of Gatineau Park that starts beside Blanchet Beach. This trail is interesting in any season of the year, but especially in fall. We'll explore the environment along the trail, stopping in the lookout places that to admire the view of the Ottawa River and late-fall forests. We also will observe the park's flora and fauna, and identify late fall mushrooms.

$15.00 – $30.00

Eagle Nest and Late fall mushrooms (Calabogie area)

This is the last fall trip to see the scenic landscape in the area of Eagle's Nest and identify late fall mushrooms, sustaining in the cold weather with frosty nights in Calabogie area (to the west of Ottawa).

$15.00 – $30.00

Birds and Mammals at Mud Lake in October

This is a free guided hike for those who are interested to know more about birds and mammals that are well adapted to urban conditions or stay at the lake during migration. We'll meet at 9:00 am on October 22 at the parking along Cassels Street near Mud Lake.  We'll explore the area near Ottawa River and around Mud Lake to see mammals and birds inhabiting this area in October. Families with kids are invited.
