Geology & Fossil Trail, Eganville Area

We are planning a trip to one of the most interesting places in the Ottawa River Valley. This place is called a Geoheritage Trail Walk (where you can see not only geological but also fossil artifacts of the Ordovician period). We will start our hike at the Bonnechere Museum, in the town of Eganville, where we'll have a chance to know about the geological history of Ottawa Valley. During our walk along the Geoheritage Trail, we'll pay attention not only to geology and fossils but also to the environment: birds, insects, and plants in the area. 

$10.00 – $30.00

Guided Tour to Purdon Conservation Area

Did you see the most stunning Lady's Slipper in Ottawa Valley? If not, join us for the nature-guided tour to Purdon Conservation Area. At the end of June, the time of blooming for one of the most beautiful and attractive orchids starts. This is a Snowy Lady Slipper orchid. In Ottawa Valley, the species may be found in several places, but the most expressive is a colony of the Purdon Conservation Area.

$10.00 – $30.00

Guided Excursion to Lusk Cave in Gatineau Park

We invite families with kids for a guided tour to a Lusk Cave and the surrounding area in Gatineau Park. We'll explore environmental things in the Philippe Lake section stopping on our way that to listen to birds and watch animal tracks.

$10.00 – $30.00

Camping in Dumoine Area

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Ottawa Valley Chapter (CPAWS-OV) has organized an art camp in the area of ZEC Dumoine and Grand Chute in southwestern Quebec. The event will take place between August 2 and 8, but you can come for a day or several days to know more about CPAWS-OV activities and visit several amazing places.

$100.00 – $150.00

Guided mushroom identification tour to Gatineau area

This is a guided tour for mushroom enthusiasts on Sunday, August 13. We'll explore several places in the Gatineau area (crown land) that to see a diversity of mushrooms at this time of the year.  We learn how to identify mushrooms and know some basic rules related to their search and picking up. Please, confirm your participation. We'll meet at Parking 17 in Gatineau Park at 9:30 am (this is the exit to Wakefield from Highway 5). From there, we'll drive together to the places of our excursion.

$10.00 – $30.00

Guided Mushroom Identification Tour to Madawaska Area

This is a guided mushroom identification tour to Madawaska Highlands. We will stop in several places to explore the area and search for mushrooms. We'll learn how to identify mushrooms, places where we can pick up mushrooms, and just enjoy the trip to the forest in a beautiful area. We'll talk also about the diversity of mushrooms in Ottawa Valley and about other forest creatures we'll be able to spot.

$10.00 – $30.00

Mushroom Identification Tour in Ottawa Valley

On Sunday, August 20,  we are going to explore some places around Ottawa with our traditional mushroom identification tour.  We learn how to identify mushrooms and know some basic rules related to their search and picking up.

$10.00 – $30.00

Exploring ZEC Dumoine and area around

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Ottawa Valley Chapter (CPAWS-OV) will organize an event in the area of ZEC Dumoine and Grand Chute in southwestern Quebec. This wilderness area, which is managed by local communities, is attractive in any season of the year due to the beauty of natural landscapes and the richness of pristine biodiversity typical for Canadian boreal forests.

$50.00 – $100.00

Trip to Madagascar during Christmas Vacation

In this exotic author's tour during the Christmas holidays, we will be able to see the nature and wildlife of the mysterious Madagascar Island with its unique flora and fauna, formed in conditions of complete isolation. About 90% of the native plant and animal species that inhabit the island are found nowhere else in the world.

From foothills to snow-capped peaks in Kyrgyzstan

We will drive along mountain roads and visit places with rich biological diversity, as well as get familiar with the cultural traditions of the Kyrgyz people, who move to high mountain pastures in summer.  We will have the opportunity to look at the plains and human settlements adjacent to foothills from the height of mountain passes, see the turbulent streams running down narrow gorges from snow peaks, enjoy the splendor and variety of colorful alpine meadows with marvelous butterflies fluttering over them, walk along the paths in the lush forest belt, hear the singing of numerous birds and the whistle of marmots warning their neighbors about the appearance of unexpected guests in their habitats...
