Fall Colors in Algonquin Provincial Park

This trip will take place at the peak of autumn colors, which at this time form the unique landscape of the park and attract many visitors who want to see this beauty. We have booked a place for 6 people in the Pog Lake and Kearney Lake Campground from Friday (it's September 30th) until Sunday (it's October 2nd).


Fall colors along Wolf Trail in Gatineau Park

This is a trip to the famous Wolf Trail of Gatineau Park that starts beside Blanchet Beach. This trail is interesting in any season of the year, but especially in fall. We'll explore the environment along the trail, stopping in the lookout places that to admire the view of the Ottawa River and late-fall forests. We also will observe the park's flora and fauna, and identify late fall mushrooms.

$15.00 – $30.00

Eagle Nest and Late fall mushrooms (Calabogie area)

This is the last fall trip to see the scenic landscape in the area of Eagle's Nest and identify late fall mushrooms, sustaining in the cold weather with frosty nights in Calabogie area (to the west of Ottawa).

$15.00 – $30.00