Trapelus sanguinolentus_1

Steppe agama - female in a hot day

Steppe agama is a relatively large lizard, which is widely distributed in natural plain areas of Central Asia

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  • File Name: Trapelus-sanguinolentus_1-1-scaled.jpg
  • File ID: 2262
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  • File Size: 737.67 Kb
  • Dimensions: 1694 x 2560
  • Collections: Photo Wild Life <a href="" title="Many species of animals and plants have adapted well to life in desert conditions. Among them are many specialized species and forms. Very few amphibians (for example, green toad) have adapted to life in the desert, but reptiles - lizards, snakes and tortoises - are perfectly adapted specifically to harsh desert conditions. Fringe-toed Lizard - Eremias velox Dwarf Sand Boa - Eryx miliaris Tartar Sand Boa - Eryx tataricus Comb-toed Gecko - Crossobamon eversmanni Caspian Bent-toed Gecko - Cyrtopodion =Tenuidactylus caspius Northern Mole Vole - Ellobius talpinus The Steppe Runner - Eremias arguta Eremias grammica Blotched Snake - Elaphe sauromates Tartar Sand Boa - Eryx tataricus Tolai Hare - Lepus tolai Lesser Asian Scorpion - Mesobuthus eupeus Secret Toad-headed Agama -Phrynocephalus mystaceus Secret Toad-headed Agama -Phrynocephalus mystaceus Spotted Desert Racer - Platyceps karelini Arrow Snake - Psammophis lineoplatus Pallas's Glass Lizard or Sheltopusik - Pseudopus apodus Stick insect - Ramulus sp. The Diadem Snake - Spalerosophis diadema Yellow Ground Squirrel - Spermophilus fulvus The Rosy Starling - Pastor roseus Central Asian or Russian Steppe Tortoise - Agrionemys (Testudo) horsfieldii Steppe Agama - Trapelus sanguinolentus Steppe Agama - Trapelus sanguinolentus (courtship behaviour) Caspian Monitor - Varanus griseus caspius">Wildlife in Kazakhstan Desert by Mark Pestov
  • Keywords: Desert animals Lizards Reptiles Steppe agama Trapelus sanguinolentus Wildlife in Central Asia

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