Silver Lake Provincial Park (day visit)

Silver Lake Provincial Park is located on Highway 7 at the eastern tip of Silver Lake in South Sherbrooke Township, Lanark County. It is a relatively small park of 43 ha and is 28 km west of Perth, the largest nearby town. The Park is a great place for hiking, swimming, canoeing, and fishing. Bird migration is already started and we’ll have an opportunity to see local and migratory birds around the lake. We also look at the colossal dams, constructed by beavers. All participants will have an opportunity for swimming in the lake after the guided hike.

Место проведения и предмет экскурсии:

Эта экскурсия в один из провинциальных парков Онтарио. Летние страсти в природе уже поутихли, но август – пора активного пролета самых различных мигрирующих видов птиц. Трудно заранее предположить, какие виды мы сможем увидеть, но надеемся, что на участках болота и вдоль озера могут быть пролетные кулики, поганки и другие околоводные и водоплавающие птицы. А в лесу могут быть как местные, так и пролетные воробьиные. Кроме того, на озере интересны многоступенчатые бобровые плотины. Надеемся, что их мы тоже сможем увидеть. В общем, это поездка для любителей сочетать отдых и исследование нового места. В выходные дни парки берут плату за посещение с каждого автомобиля. Поэтому будет хорошо, если на каждом автомобиле будет по несколько человек. И для природы – благо. Не забываем об устойчивом использовании ресурсов.

Форма одежды:

По погоде – удобная одежда и обувь: легкая рубашка с длинным рукавом для защиты от комаров или футболка, если комаров не боитесь. Обувь – легкая и надежная для ходьбы по тропинкам. Не забывайте спрей от насекомых. Палочка для ходьбы также не помешает. В парке можно будет искупаться, поэтому понадобятся полотенце, плавки и купальники.  Обычно, после купания хочется подкрепиться, поэтому не забывайте воду и перекусы. Поездка почти на целый день, запас бутербродов не помешает.

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April in Ottawa area by Elena Kreuzberg

Golden-crowned kinglets arrive one of the first from winter mgrants

Yesterday it seemed that this winter would never end … The beginning of April in Ottawa, capital of Canada (known as one of the coldest capitals in the World) was accompanied by severe frosts and not only at night. Frosts were changed by heavy snowfalls. However, the first thawed patches appeared in the first decade of April. Woodpeckers drummed on dry trees, notifying everyone that spring and a time of nature rebirth were on the verge … The first skunks woke up, checking at night the availability of foodstuffs in garbage cans next to a residential houses. Those of them who live far away in the forest, do not hesitate to appear during the day, checking rodents’ holes, dug under the snow in winter, these winter pathways still kept among the old grass, and what if any of these moves leads to a living hole? The Snowshoe Hare began shedding, replacing the winter white coats on the summer brownish pelt. Mammals after a long harsh winter are not very shy; for them the cold and especially hunger are much worse than the proximity to humans. Flocks of bird migrants stretched from south to north. Canadian and snow geese arrived to the open fields and water-reservoirs among the first, some northern ducks followed them on migratory routes. With the warming other migrants will begin to arrive: migratory woodpeckers – Northern Flicker and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Belted Kingfisher, passerines – wrens, swallows, vireo, sparrows, thrushes, warblers and many others…

Canada is one of the few countries where the diversity of wild species is quite large, thanks to significant little-developed areas located mainly in the north and thanks to laws that ensure the protection and sustainable use of rich wildlife resources. However, in many other countries, especially in developing countries, the situation with the protection of biological diversity is critical. Therefore, this year the International Earth Day is held under the slogan “We don’t have time”, denoting that measures to conserve wildlife should be taken now, and not in the distant future…

Striped Skunk just woke up and looking for food
Snowshoe Hares after winter

Starting our blog in April, we hope to be able to talk about Ottawa Greenbelt and other natural areas around us… We also hope to talk about biodiversity and wildlife in other countries, discussing and sharing the experience of wildlife conservation and management …

Wildlife in April